Thermal Engineering Institute

Oil heater type pmt, developed by the design bureau, Thermal Engineering Institute of rao ues Russia. Especially for the gas-fuel oil sector, taking into account all of shortages heaters oil past models, instead of morally aged heaters model pm, pbr and their changes. At the moment, this technique is very even, successfully used in subdivisions of rao, metallurgical, Railways and other areas of the industry both in Russia and in neighboring countries. More than 10 years of experience in manufacturing heaters range itp + proven technical and operational "victory" in the model range. In heaters type pmt, used the technology of the turbulent flow.

They are all fitted with blocks of turbulent parts, thus, the effectiveness of the thermal energy of steam, increases in 2,5-3 times by reference to available models of heaters. Oil heaters range pmt (turbulent), will provide heating oil to 150. C of from 1 to 150 t / h. The total mass heaters itp is much lower mass heaters, such as performance, produced in particular tcd, which greatly simplifies maintenance and repairs. Normal heater pmt, 30-40 weight, which is only 1.3 tons. In particular, for inclusion in the operation of oil heaters, we must not less than 1-1,5 hours to their gradual warming. When connecting the heater pmt in operation, preheating is not necessary to perform. As is the practice at a low cost of fuel oil through the heater, which very often the point at thermal power plants, but on the inside "area" of pipes must be organized deposits, because of the small rapidity of flow of fuel oil in them, resulting in sharply reduced effectiveness of heat transfer. The proposed schematic diagram, use our heaters there is likely to disconnect, a part of the heaters. And because of this support in the past, we have heater, the desired speed of movement of oil in the pipes, so as to exclude the possibility of sediment.