For the Soviets it was a good propaganda. The American missions Apolo to the Moon had lost the brightness to the eyes of the world-wide public and were hour of the Soviet Union to show off itself again as a space power, keeping in orbit the first crew to inhabit a space laboratory. A space station also would allow to a bigger permanence human being in the space, as well as the accomplishment of a series of experiences in diverse areas (SAGAN, 1996; WALNUT, 2005). Few days later it took off the Soyuz-10 ship, with three cosmonauts on board. The ship brought alongside it the space station Saliut-1. It was the first time that a ship was joined in orbit to a space station.
The mission, however, finished in failure, therefore the hatchway of the Soyuz-10 was emperrada and its hindered members of the crew to pass to the Saliut-1. The space station remained without members of the crew in orbit for plus some time and in 06 of June of 1971 the Soyuz-11 took off with cosmonauts Georgi T. Dobrovolski, Vladislav N. Volkov and Viktor L. Patsayev. The ship was connected to the Saliut-1 station and its members of the crew had obtained to pass to the interior of the same one. Rare a space mission is greeted with as much enthusiasm for the Soviet press. All the nights the cosmonauts were shown in the television of its country (WALNUT, 2005).
In this first flight to a space station the members of the crew had less remained nothing than 24 days in orbit, establishing the world-wide record of permanence in the space for the time. Diverse experiences had been carried through, comment of Astronomical land and comments. To the end of the mission the three cosmonauts had passed to the interior of the Soyuz-11, had separated its ship of the space station and had headed to the Land.