
In the same way described above in the case of declaration of GOING, translating a text and to interpret a word of missed form, it can all change the direction of the phrase, paragraph or even though change all the agreement on the same. Maintenance of Microcomputers Recently I read a possible article that spoke that 90% of the technician of computer science mount computers in wrong way and are of the international standards, and this factor is responsible for 67% percent of the problems presented in the existing computers in the whole world. I see many people if offering to make these types of works, either of small repairs, complete assembly, amongst others, and I know that many of these people are not formed, therefore, I myself I know some people who make and have friends that they are offered to make these types of works. Unhappyly had the question of the workmanship hand not to be so accessible, this type of ' ' presumptions profissionais' ' they gain space. Simple activities and that they can in general change life of Artesanato people If you like artisan manual works it type, are a good starting point there, much micron and small companies or liberal professionals, repass services of this type, a great example are the manual manufacture of leather belts and corino, that are tressed the hand, this activity can be income-producing to become in the vacant hours and the comfort of its home, mainly for owners of house or professionals of the home that cannot work outside because of the children who are small inside other factors. It has companies that they pay of R$ 1,50 until R$ 3,00 for each belt made for you. He locates somebody that makes and tries to learn, giving certain I I wait, you will go to remove the service and will execute in its house.