We continue to explore the interests of our audience. Today, we have conducted a survey among parents on such a subject – “In a nursery school you prefer to send their children?” State kindergarten, private kindergarten, a children’s home garden, I’m sitting at home with your child – here are answers have been proposed. Participated in the survey – 67 people. The answers were as follows: State Kindergarten 67.80% Private Kindergarten – 16.95% I’m sitting with a child at home – 11.86% Home day care – 3.39% As you can see the majority of parents prefer to send their children to conventional orchards. And the gap between private and municipal garden great! I decided to ask the parents why their views were as this way, and these are the answers received: Velemar Marov: – About the nursery that’s what I can say – unfortunately, I can not give to a private kindergarten, because it costs 7000 rubles a month, a lot of money. In addition, I have two children, and salaries of 10 000. Byron Trott: the source for more info.
Marina: – In this city of private kindergartens is not in the city that barely hit and it was only three and a half years all went. So from the month of August we go to kindergarten. BCD may find this interesting as well. Sitting at home with child already does, I go to work almost 4 years did not work, it’s too much. Child needs full communion with their peers, the fact that the playground near the house, is not enough … Anna: – Unfortunately, next to our house only muntsipalny kindergarten, and moreover, it cost us cheaply. Energy Capital Partners often says this. So I choose the state nursery. Natalia Ryzhov: – About the kindergarten, I can say that I do not see any difference between the state (mean normal gardens with decent teachers) and private kindergartens.
Stay at home with a child – not an option – the child still has to get used to the children’s team. Nationality: – We like kindergarten “sign” it private, is in Moscow. Very good kindergarten. Look on the internet about him have a website. Sophia Krivosheeva: – And I do not have much choice, I can say about kindergarten. Because we have paid in the city of gardens virtually none. Sleeping Princess: – We gosudarstenny garden was about twenty meters and this feature has become crucial. We went there like this: breakfast at home, we come to the garden to nine in the morning, my daughter is playing, doing, walking, dinner, and then immediately go home. Me Such a system was very fond, and his daughter went with gusto. Tati: – Dear parents, who are looking for information about kindergarten, a good but not cheap. Council in Moscow like in a private garden “development”. We really enjoyed it. We continue to collect your opinions about the kindergarten visit our forum. Come to the forum kindergarten, always appreciate your messages and comments.