Those who are concerned about their financial security should analyze the system’s network of contacts in detail. Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Rich Dad, poor Pope) many well-known authors, including Richard Poe, Mark Victor Hansen, Bryan Tracy and Robert Kiyosaki, have praised the virtues of network marketing. The Direct Selling Association predicts that you by 2010, the marketing companies will produce more than $700 billion of revenue. Some known as Fortune 500 companies offered products through the network of contacts are: Bausch and Lomb, Coca Cola, General Electric, Motorola, AT & T, MCI, Xerox and many more. Undoubtedly, the marketing network is the trend of the future. But why is network marketing a good idea? The answer is simple. To build a business based on consumption of our product, you are building residual income. This means that if you are not going to work specific day, anyway there are people in your organization who are consuming the product and generating revenue. Network marketing allows you to be your own boss. You establish your business according to the methods that work best for you. You have the freedom to do things your way and continue working together with the people in your Agel organization is based on many of the principles that other companies in network marketing practice, but with the dynamic and generous plan, desirable and consumable products, Agel provides the working field for the success. Then I want that see very short the difference between Network Marketing verus pyramid with this description you’ll accounts that Agel is the company that meets the requirements to generate large revenues. MLM vs pyramid critics allege that some companies get their benefits over all, attracting new participants and not to base of consuming products, but the critical against mentions that this is precisely one of the characteristics that differentiate the pyramid schemes that reward the incorporation of new partners to the pyramid, while only multilevel systems pay for the movement of products. To find out if the company is or not pyramid, should ask three questions: 1 does there is how much the company? This will give you information to know if they are only looking for their money, and then escape. That have at least 3 years. 2 In many countries operate? It is possible that the company engineering them is to evade the laws of some countries, but it is very difficult to do so in several. 3 Is possible to win more money that the person that you are inviting him, and with the same investment? the answer must be Yes. Visit us at: original author and source of the article.