Transmit messages clear and naturally to entrepreneurs who are online is one of the factors that brings them to the success of their projects, is truth the techniques and methods used to expose what we are doing is important but the way in which we are exposing our message, the way in which we express ourselves is the essence of what we passexpressed another way, what you take our visitors or prospects of our business; and clear it they will depend on much more than sales obtained. Currently with the rise of social media, the presence of entrepreneurs both on Twitter as facebook becomes something forced and it is here where we need to pay special attention to the way that we communicate our message, in this article I want to share some tipts to make it in the best way possible and get the results that we hope:-Persuade without forcing: A correct message does not attempt to force readers to something that does not believe or do something you don’t want to do. When we publish our message must not forget the kindness, courtesy and give thanks; Let’s not use our messages, mainly at the beginning, for advertising or a direct sale; keep in mind that the first thing is to create a relationship with our friends or followers and then if, suggest, advise or show what you want to promote. -Touch: Refers to the correct choice of media, tools and strategies that we use to achieve our goal, we need to use different techniques to achieve merging social media with our voluntary subscription pages, for example; so that a visitor to our profile can opt to follow us and simultaneously also can be presented the option of subscribing to a particular Bulletin for later follow-up. -Confidence: the people to accept its recommendations you have to achieve gain its trust, working with a feeling and enthusiasm from catching.