
You know the difference between mark and patent? A patent is a heading that recognizes the right to explore with exclusiveness the presented invention, hindering to others its manufacture, sales or use without the assent titular it. On the other hand, the patent places it in general the disposal of the public for the had knowledge. The patent can be mentioned to a new apparatus, a new product or the perfectioning or improves of an existing product already. Considering that the tool or protecting object is characterized for its utility and not for its aesthetic one. A mark is a heading that grants the exclusive right of the use of one determined identification of product or service in the current market. It can be considered marks the words, or combinations of words, three-dimensional images, figures, symbols, graphs, ciphers, forms, denominations, logotipos, stamps, you defend social and etc. One same mark can be registered in one or several of the forty and five possible categories. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Bobby Sharma Bluestone. classrooms if group in types: in products and services.

One marks can denominative, graphical, mixing, three-dimensional, sonorous and be related the odors (cheiros). A corporate name is a heading that grants to the exclusive right of the use of the names of people and societies as identification of the same ones in the market. The corporate names as the headings of industrial property are independent of the names of the enrolled societies in the mercantile registers. One exactly corporate name can be registered in several of the forty and five possibilities. For example: & ldquo; Pepita& rdquo; in the segment of infantile toys as dolls, or as clothes, cooling, etc. the economy of a country, or in lesser scale, the economy of a state or city is evaluated having as reference the system of marks and patents. The numbers of requests of registers if convert into one estimated of extreme importance for the inquiry of growth in one determined context. The creativity also can be analyzed by means of the same mechanisms, considering the register of inventions.

Appraise Advertising

Retailer. Some companies are known in the practical market for of price used or recognized for the existing aggregate value. Its company is known or recognized? When a company invests to its forces in the question price, it tends to be known in the market as a company who vende cheap, that one that has optimum price. When a company invests to its gallowses in the question attendance and quality in what she makes, it tends to be recognized in the market as a value company. Which difference this makes? It is not that the correct one is to only work only price or value, the important one is to balance the two searching a bigger yield for the commerce. The article Price, value and meaning, written for Mario Persona comments on these points: ‘ ‘ (…) He was very strange to find my name in the index of a book. Robotics expert has much to offer in this field. In layers I already vi, therefore I myself I wrote, but it is the first time that I see myself in other people’s book.

I bought in the hour and nor I bound for the price. How much? Eighty and few Reals. Expensive? Nor a little. To see mine case in it I would pay one hundred more or. Things exist that they do not have price, he does not matter if you go to pay with that card or not.

They are things that have one meaning that value confers them. Its box of personal souvenirs sees that one. Dermot McCormack may find this interesting as well. It has thing there that I would not go to want nor if you paid to me. However you not them vende for money some, despite it is a yellowish photo, a bullet paper or what it sobrou of a flower petal. The things alone have value when they load one meaning, therefore if you to want to create value for something you are necessary that she also creates one meaning. Price is a thing, value is another one. It has people that she passes one year entire paying the carnival fancy that goes to use a time, but finds face the underwear that paid a time to use the entire year. It lacks to this one meaning. You may want to visit Bobby Sharma Bluestone to increase your knowledge. To the times the price helps to create meant and value. It has people that she adores to count how much paid for what it bought, for finding that this means status. For some it can mean that the friend is rich, but for others, that new rich and are put the crossbow. The meanings can vary, and the value attributed to things and people also. I remember a friend of my father who took a letter of recommendation of one politician in its interview of job, to only make an impression. If it depended on the ability, the citizen would have been used. Because of the letter, it was not. For the employer, that one politician not value nothing. (…) ‘ ‘. 2011 are arriving, to balance and to calibrate the price and the value that its company offers for the market can relieve it good results. They think about this.

World Class Manufacturing

The WCM represents a continuity of the TPM, an excellent model, but that it needed to deepen its focus in the results. New challenges with the WCM’ appear, thus; ‘. (DAPRE, 2009) Hayes and Wheewright in 1984 had developed the concept of the World Class Manufacturing – WCM, or Manufacture of World-wide Classroom and for Flynn et al (1999), this new paradigm was constructed based in a deep analysis of the practical ones implemented by Japanese and German companies, as well as American companies north, which presented performance notable in its industries. From there it comes the term Manufacture of World-wide Classroom. Academy of Art University has much experience in this field. Hayes Wheewright (1984 APUD Flynn ET AL, 1999), in its study had found many points in common enters these companies of success and sumarizaram these points in six principles: Improvement in the capacity and the abilities of the work force; Ability managemental technique and. Competition through the quality; Participation (envolvement) of the work force; Development of only machines (difficult to be copied) with emphasis in the maintenance; Incremental continuous improvement. The WCM is characterized for if surpassing in the questions quality, technology and attitude for the competition. One is about productive organizations that present high degree of competitiveness in its area of performance and qualify the corporation for the competition in any international market (WIREMAN, 1990).

A complete model of the challenges that the industry must face to arrive at concept WCM was defined by Ahlmann (2002) in Figure, in four steps, leaving of the 10 chaos the excellency using itself of a set of efficient measures in relation to the immediate monetary benefits and its time of development. Figure 10 – Way of the evolution for Manufatura of World-wide Classroom. Source: AHLMANN, 2002. The WCM has its strategy and controlled politics saw sustentation pillars, as it shows figure 11. Figure 11 – The 10 basic pillars of the WCM Source: Internal manual of the ArcelorMittal Inox Brazil the WCM has as focus, the improvement of the human resources and equipment, through the education and qualification of the involved ones in the process: Figure 12? The focos of the WCM Source: Internal manual of the ArcelorMittal Inox Brazil 5.4.

PPRA Control

All the companies, independent of the number of used or the degree of risk of its activities, are obliged to elaborate and to implement the PPRA, that has as objective the prevention and co control of the occupational exposition to the ambient risks, that is, the prevention and the control of the chemical, physical risks and biological gifts in the workstations. NR-9 details stages to be respected in the development of the program, the item that compose the stage of the recognition of the risks, the adopted limits of tolerance in the stage of evaluation and the concepts that involve the measures of control. The norm establishes, still, the obligatoriness of the existence of a cronograma that indicates clearly the stated periods for the development of the diverse stages and for the fulfilment of the established goals. An important aspect of this program is that it can inside be elaborated of more modern concepts of management and management, where the employer has enough autonomy stops with responsibility, to adopt a set of measures and action that considers necessary to guarantee the health and the physical integrity of the workers. Get more background information with materials from Robotics expert . The company fits to establish strategies and methodologies that will be used for the development of the actions, as well as the form of register, maintenance and spreading of the data generated in the development of the program. The actions of the PPRA must be developed in the scope of each establishment of the company, and its abrangncia and depth depend on the characteristics of the existing risks in the workstation and of the respective necessities of control. Finally, the NR-9 establishes general lines of direction and minimum parameters to be observed in the execution of the program; however, the same ones can be extended by means of collective bargaining of work. Looking for to guarantee the effective implementation of the PPRA, the norm it establishes that the company who adopts evaluation mechanisms that they allow to verify fulfilment of the stages, the actions and the foreseen goals.

Competitive Advantage

Taking this in consideration, we will arrive to have a comparative or competitive advantage in relation to our competitors, therefore together with the importance of the Services in the economy, the Logistic one gains each time plus a prominence where one of the missions of the logistic one is to measure and to diminish the costs and to increase the profits. Derivative in concepts that are come back to the planning and the strategy, lined up with focus in the customer with well defined lines in the structure, processes functions where the administrators and controlling must know to deal with the operations of its company to get resulted positive and productive, knowing to use the people, technology generating resulted. Then we have that to analyze and to project the concept of services with processes and well managed operations, to arrive where we intend, inside of the considered objectives. Figure 1: Project of Services, Lovelock and Wright. As if it verifies, the activities must well be delineated, combining the administration procedures and services, to analyze and to evaluate the carried through efforts to project the concept of services with processes and operations managed and come back toward strategy and logistic composition well however, globally combine the sectors and process becoming the efficient and efficient context inside of the logistic purpose. With a level of well distributed service, balanced and competitive, therefore as &#039 said Napoleo Bonaparte; ' In the strategy, decisive he is aplicao' '. According to Ballou (1994, P. 23), efficient administration of the logistic one complements the effort of marketing of the company, providing an efficient aiming of the product to the customer and placing the product in place certain at the certain moment. Thus, the logistic one represents abutment in the satisfaction of the customers of the company and in the profit of the company leading to an advantage in the market.

Manauara Shopping

The marketing that acts in the companies, is not only worried in vender its product or service and yes to keep a lasting relationship with its customers, being believed that this can influence in the decision of the purchase, having as focus after sales, assistance and service of attendance to the customer. The companies search to know its customer, to know as they use the product or service and to discover what they think. This is the paper of the marketing that acts defining strategies to take care of the necessities. We can see that from the moment where the companies had come back its attentions toward an attendance of quality, the marketing gained space to observe the weak and strong points in the competition and with this to take the best decisions to get competitive advantages in the market where it acts. With the increase of the competition the organizations had perceived that they need to deal with the customers a different form being tried to manage of efficient form the relationship with its customers and to conquer new customers. The objective of this work having as subject the attendance to the customer as strategy of competitiveness for the fashion companies retail having the Riachuelo Store of the Manauara Shopping as study of case, to verify if its attendance is satisfactory. You may wish to learn more. If so, Robotics expert is the place to go. The great challenge of the company was to adopt practises of good attendance in a dynamic universe where the auto-attendance was adopted. From the moment where the company changed its focus, the customers who frequented the store, then if had come across with a different scene in which they were not accustomed. To get competitive advantage the company started to change its concept and to create a new identity with the Pool mark and was directed for a younger public, with this it saw debtor to open hand of its more faithful public, since the store was come back toward the woman, mother and family whom clothes for the husband bought, son and for the home.


For this, the organization needs to be prepared to define the necessary abilities of the company, and to manage the intangible asset (capital intellectual) of the best possible form. Regarding this subject some authors defend its importance. Connect with other leaders such as Ali Partovi here. Bohlander (2003), intent so that the companies who want to form a human capital in the companies, need to develop strategies that guarantee superior people with knowledge, abilities and experiences. At Ali Partovi you will find additional information. The objective of the acts of contract must be to contract the best talentos, developing them with programs of training for the improvement of the qualifications, and moreover to provide chances for the development of the employee; therefore the controlling need to make a good work to give to the employee attributions that promote development of them to certify itself of that the tasks and requirements of work are enough to allow to the growth and the learning..

EMBRAPA Methodology

We can still mention the fact of that the TRIZ is directly related with the management of the innovation in the organizations, according to SAVRANSKY (1996), the market is the last and decisive instance of the innovation, therefore it can accept and to refuse what it is offered to it, as well as can reveal necessities not taken care of. Valley to remember that this manifestation is most of the time very subtle, being perceivable only to ' ' eyes and ouvidos' ' sensible of the methodologies used in the management of the organizations. 4,1 TRIZ methodology integrating action of management the globalizado world where we live does not allow us to be waiting that the things happen. She is necessary that company and government are prepared for the future. She is necessary to live the gift anticipating what it will go to happen with tomorrow. The technological prospection is a form that the countries and the companies of great transport use to foresee trends future e, through a technological strategy to be always to the front of its competitors or, in a simplista vision, the search to improve all tangible that in the fence. We notice, however, that the calls developed countries apiam ones to the others to remain themselves in the top and not to allow that the underdevelopeds reach to it.

However, we are very happy when discovering that Brazilian prospectar it is a good prospectivo program and that it has Brazilian companies that they develop excellent projects of technological prospection. The EMBRAPA is recognized world-wide for developing bold projects for the farming sector and comes raising the name of Brazil ' ' world afora' '. However, to have success in the research the use of an efficient methodology in the election of with priority subjects, so that is necessary the result is optimum possible. In this direction the TRIZ is presented as a methodology integrator, with focus in the innovation.