Social Movements

INTRODUCTION. Considering the diverse problems found in the field and as the families peasants they deal with the differences social, educational politics and economic, it is important to search the causes that they reflect in the life of the people who live in the field. Bobby Sharma Bluestone takes a slightly different approach. The negative consequence in what it says respect to the lack of public politics for the people who lives in the field, sends in them to make a research studying the reasons of indifferences, as well as, to understand the commitments and obligations of the public power in the sector administrative politician in the city and region. In this perspective Band is intended to give emphasis to a research in lcus in the Community Is Brs km 105. The present work with subject, social State, Movements and Public Politics of the field in the Community Are Brs 105 km Band, Medicilndia/PA, have as objective to search and to analyze the especificidades of the local population and to make the relation School/Social Community, Movements and Public Politics.

One understands that the society depends on governmental organizations not governmental its projects to proceed from life. The problems pointed here will serve to stimulate the population to demand its rights, as well as, demanding of legal form the projects and programs of the federal, state and municipal government. When considering the paper of the State front to the necessities that are present in the diversity of the field and that this is a space of resistance and aggregation, the social movements possess primordial paper in the fight for public politics and improvement of the man and woman, considering an education that respects and values the differences of the people of the field. Thus it is basic to evidence the reality of the field front to the absence of public politics that contemplates the difficulties and as the citizens if they articulate ahead of the reality between State, public education and politics.