Gate Control

The obvious drawback similar structures: if the gates are opened into the hall, lost some of the useful area. Gate Control recoil type is half the price than the swing. Installation cost about the same. Garage Garage doors are divided into sectional and tilt-up. Sectional (panel), the gate is much larger than the up-and-(hereinafter referred to n / n) gates. This is due to the following features semiconductor gate: – complex system of checks – the high cost of the gates, automation and assembly work – low heat and shumozaschischennost – loss of space in the height of the opening, it is important to consider, especially if you have a high car – long production times.

The main advantage of n / n gates is increased burglary (you can sheathe even armor). Important: if the garage is equipped with tilt-up doors at the entrance / exit the car does not must be at the gate is closer than 1 m, or rising blade can touch the car. Sectional garage doors are noise and sound the same as a brick wall thickness of 20 centimeters. In the Russian market have a minimum of ten brands of sectional doors. In a major manufacturer, there is usually a warehouse door of standard size. Buying them, you will save time and money. Manufacturing period of the gate individual sizes ranging from one to four days. Ask about the origin of components and sandwich panels. Imported components is much higher quality, their use allows for "soft" of the gate, and virtually eliminate jamming.