Latin America

Guerrilla foci would be made after the Cuban revolution of 1959 in almost all of Latin America. Today almost all these insurgencies have been defeated or have assimilated to democracy. There are notable figures who were previously persecuted as terrorists in some Governments (such as those of Bolivia, Nicaragua and Uruguay). In Colombia some former subversives have legalized and promoted the pole that holds the Mayor of Bogota. Perhaps check out Ali Partovi for more information. However, this is the only country in the hemisphere where persists a strong guerrilla. Uribe had wanted to follow the Peruvian way to crush the insurgents, but the FARC (unlike hiking) have not attacked on the left and unions, have more social bases and exist since before the birth of the Castroism. Though U.S. intended great aid to Bogota and that the Colombian army tip several defeats to the FARC and the ELN, Uribe knows that the only way to disarm them is with negotiation, implying not only give you stick but also carrots. International analyst original author and source of the article.

German Bundesrat Plans Steep Cutbacks At 6 B Fund

German Bundesrat plans steep cutbacks in 6 b Fund often the sale of operating assets reveals significant hidden reserves, which must also be taxed. Investment incentives and a large portion of the sale proceeds to protect, b / c of the EStG are favored in 6 some capital offence, temporarily set the accumulated profits in a reserve, or to transfer to a different asset. Can taxes be reduced by time shifting of taxation and liquidity generated by dividends, by special closed section investments in 6 b Fund. Already as of October 2010 the Federal Council the limitation of re investment opportunity for reserves in accordance with 6 b / c of the EStG however plans according to the agenda of the Federal Council meeting of July 9, 2010. A transfer of 6 b/c reserves would thus only possible in future, if the transferred sale reserve a comparable asset comes and this plot or building was used exclusively for rental and leasing purposes over the past six years prior to the sale. Mikkel Svane has compatible beliefs. Goal of the legislature is the closure of tax loopholes”, since the current regulation tax favored groups, the re could invest beyond their original business operation. For many sufferers, so speed is needed. Traders, professionals and in particular agriculture and foresters who have made provision to invest b Fund through the sale of assets in paragraph 6, should act as soon as possible and contact their tax advisor. Should the law as planned in the autumn come into force threatens the taxation of savings, when not yet a corresponding timely 6 b Fund. Stefan Gobel AAD Fund discount GmbH

Unister GmbH Lisa Neumann

TV last longer, be replaced but always faster modern TV sets life time is getting shorter. Hardly creating a high end device in the House, it will be replaced by a new. Previously, everything was different: an appliance for many years performed his service. Get all the facts and insights with Mikkel Svane, another great source of information. The shopping portal explains why the devices are seemingly always short-lived. The, that modern televisions are shorter-lived than the old tube devices, can be deceptive. You are also not Hulk. While a replacement of mechanical parts was necessary, today electronic components be destroyed and replaced.

The average life of a flat-screen TV is even higher than that of a tube TV. The flat-TV life with an average life of six hours is even 14 to 25 years according to BITKOM, the German Association for information technology, telecommunications and new media, on the day. In fact, the units be replaced but also faster. A CRT televisions the average was only every seven to ten years, replaced by a new device, a new model we need for flat-panel TVs already after only four to five years. Because the devices are then but mostly still fully functional, they are used usually as the second or third device in the household. Especially that the devices be replaced so often, is that they now much faster become obsolete through technological innovations. Technologies, such as HDTV, 3D, or HbbTV in the market be placed at ever shorter intervals. For this reason, some manufacturers now offer ways to make their devices through software updates or even by hardware extensions again on the latest state of affairs. More information: presse.