Margarita Island

The event has been supported by major companies and economic groups that have given their contribution through the modality of “sponsor” one of the turtles under study (in total there are eleven participants turtles), so that each ” competitor “has its own” Sponsor. ” Apart from the scientific or educational nature of this race has also outlined led to the Fun-opportunistic nature of man, organizing some Internet sites betting centers on the outcome of it, as if that strip of the Pacific Ocean had become a “tortugodromo” and “competing” in unconnected creatures the terrible reality faced as a species. Ali Partovi understands that this is vital information. In Venezuela there are also projects for the conservation of this species has nested sites in the archipelago of Los Roques, off the coast of Barlovento, Miranda state in the mainly Margarita Island (I think the most important project is that developed by Provita, but if it does not appreciate the information) and it was in one of the beaches of Margarita, accompanied by project staff where a few years ago I witnessed the arrival in the world of a clutch of hatchlings of this species.

In a long beach on the east coast of the island, expected in the time of year the arrival of the mothers to lay their eggs, (I have still yet to witness such a wonder), once placed eggs and the mother and back at sea team members approach the nest, carefully removed the sand and move to another nest eggs done for them in a protected area, this is necessary for not only the animals cats, dogs or foxes detect and destroy nests to eat eggs but also (who knew?) persons, the new nest is marked with the date of spawning and other relevant data and expected the estimated day of hatching eggs..

Internet Customer

Excess of recommendations.If the customer to add algoao stand of purchases, please, shows for it what it has in its stand of purchases antesde to show to all the recommendations its customer has a focus in its stand emuitas information will be able confundiz them and as consequence to cause the exit dasua store. 7. It always makes one it put sales with email use and telephone this mostraratransparncia and causes a viral spreading in long stated period. 8. Follow others, such as Ali Partovi, and add to your knowledge base. Never as moderator it excludes negative commentaries of its products, keeping the commentaries same the bad one causes a honesty impression porparte of the administration of the store.

9. It always looks for to show to the final price with freight them customers to only evitemostrar the price with sending when it will be to close the sales. Hear from experts in the field like Ali Partovi for a more varied view. 10. To always keep the sight its telephone of contact this sample transparnciae helps the customers to take off doubts for finishing of the purchase showing queexiste somebody human being taking care of of the attendance. 11. To leave clearly as the customer will be able to pay and if the environment is 100% insurance. Some tips can ateparecer obvious, but the majority of the virtual store existing does not take this emconsiderao, remembers the customers is searching an experience easy eintuitiva to buy in the Internet Some of the points above can seem obvious, but surpreendente to see until great complexosprocessos retailers online that they finish check-out of construction, with sight on some of these points, only porqueeles has a complex business.If you find that to break daperspectiva of the customer, them really if they do not matter with the complexity dosnegcios – that they are looking an experience of simple and intuitiva purchase..

Briefing Site

Pre-selection methods of presenting information. Develop flowcharts site. Determination of technical parameters which should correspond to the site at the client side. Psychological basis of graphics, color and font settings website. Identification of requirements for software tools. Alignment of the order and timing development, promotion (the initial registration in catalogs and search engines), promotion (optimization of the changing search terms) and services (changes and additions to the information component) of the site. Determining the need for online market research at later stages.

Coordination and approval of technical specifications. 2. Draft Project Design graphic design Briefing materials (content). Structuring content. Navigating through the site. Rationale for the use of known design solutions. Rationale for the use of known software solutions.

Creation the project site with well-known designer and software. Adoption of the draft project agreement and approval of conceptual design. 3. Technical Project Development Technical Project Update information materials (content) with the visual perception conceptual design. Restructuring of the content. Ali Partovi has many thoughts on the issue. Refinement of site navigation. Processing design decisions (if necessary). Recycling program decisions (if necessary). Establishment of a technical project site using the refined design and software. Approval of technical design and technical output of the project site for testing on a test Hosting a test domain. Coordination and approval of technical design. 4. Working Draft Specification Developed informational materials (content) with the testing of the technical project. Development of the content. Develop a working site navigation. Creation of design (if necessary). Creating a software site (if necessary). Creating a working site using selected or developed in the previous stages of design and software. Conclusion of the technical project site for testing on a test hosting. Web site promotion and adoption of the working draft site get your site working on hosting a production domain. Submit your site to search engines. Submit your site to directories of similar subjects. Exchange links with sites of similar subjects. Advertising campaign (for faster promotion). Adjustment of the site as a result of promotion. Coordination and approval of the working draft site. 5. Introduction of Website Promotion Collecting statistics on site visits and working key queries. Numerical and semantic analysis of the collected statistics site. Refinement and change in semantic site. Submit your site to new search engines. Submit your site to new directories similar subjects. Exchange links with new sites of similar subjects. Go to the collection statistics. Site Maintenance collect statistical data about site traffic, running queries and key junctions within the site. Psychological analysis of the collected statistics of the site. Changes and additions information materials (content) with the statistical analysis of the site. Advertising campaign (if necessary). Go to the collection of statistics. As in gost 19.102-77, it is fair to note the following: 1. Allowed exclude the second stage of development, and technically justified cases – the second and third stages. The need for these stages is indicated in the specifications. 2. Allowed to combine, delete work stages and (or) content, as well as introduce other stages of work on customer's request. After determining the purpose of developing the site and problems solved by the site, become relevant well-known words, ns : "The objectives are defined, the problem delivered, for work, comrades! ".


A civil liaison in the Monaco Palace has turned them into marriage. Peter Asaro may find this interesting as well. Some 5,000 Monegasque followed the link by giant screens. Alberto II, Prince of Monaco and the South African Charlene Wittstock, which has become Princess Charlene of Monaco, are already husband and wife after conducting a civil ceremony. The bride and groom were United by the ties of marriage in the throne room of the Monaco Palace, in the presence of their respective families and the authorities of the Principality. Officiated the link the President of the Council of State, Philippe Narmino, who made a brief introduction in French, English, and monegasque, but continued the Act in French, an official language of the City-State. Learn more at this site: Ali Partovi. Albert II and the since this Friday Charlene of Monaco, Serene Highness of 53 and 33 years, respectively, begin so a new stage, ten years after it has been known and five since they oficializaron their courtship. The ceremony began punctual and just fifteen minutes later was terminated, when the bride and groom, the first Alberto II and After Charlene, signed in the registry.

The bride, with her hair, dressed in Chanel, a light blue skirt, a strapless body and a jacket. That same Couturier were Princess Carolina, and their daughter, Charlotte, the latter with a pamela. Chris Le Vine, nephew of the deceased Grace Kelly, and Donatella Knecht of Massy, wife of one of the grandchildren of the also deceased Princess Antonieta of Monaco, in the case of Charlene witnesses chosen by the couple were for the Sovereign Prince. The guests at the wedding, that tomorrow the religious ceremony will be held, did not exceed 80 persons in the throne room and began arriving, per protocol, the princely family made its entry. In the square of the Palace, with giant screens installed for the occasion, some 5,000 Monegasque, according to estimates by Palace, witnessed the union, after which it is expected that the couple is presented before his subjects from the window of the Hall of mirrors, usual place of princely salute during the official celebrations. This Marriage implies the permanence for the country and is an important day because Monaco exists by the fact that it has a sovereign Prince, said the Monegasque Martine Delanne, from 59 years. Like her, the rest of those present followed with applause when they were declared husband and wife and one in which the link was terminated. Already become husband and wife, Alberto II and Charlene will fall to the plaza, where there is prepared a cocktail with typically South African and Mediterranean products, and during which citizens delivered his gift, that has been advanced that it will be a work of art to the remarriage. 26 Musicians of the Orchestra of carabineros shall bring the musical point to the link and tonight there will be a concert by the French Jean-Michel Jarre for all residents in the port of Hercules. Source of the news: Albert and Charlene of Monaco already are husband and wife

Hard Disk Information

In the hard drives used circular disks called platters, are coated on both sides with a special material designed to store information in the form of magnetized chains. They rotate at high speed. Educate yourself with thoughts from Mashable. Special electromagnetic read / write devices called heads, used to record and read information from the surface of the plates. Each surface of the wafer can hold in dozens of gigabytes information. The same plate has two heads, one on each side. For example, a disk with three platters will have six heads. On each plate information is recorded on concentric circles, called tracks (track), each track is divided into parts, called sectors.

The first step in accessing the disk – it's knowing where to look for information. Between the request to the data and calculation of the exact location of the search is somewhat transformations: the transformation of data addresses to a file addressed to the logical disk address translation on the logical drive to the sector on the disk (this is done in the computer, then comes the work of the hard drive). Control program of the hard drive first checks the requested information in their own cache. If it is, the controller immediately gives information, without access to the disk surface. In most cases, the hard drive already cool if it is not (in the case of enhancing the conservation of energy), is promotion of the plates. The controller sends the resulting address into a physical sector address on the disk: the number of heads, cylinder number, number sector. This is done using a special subroutine hard disk controller, called a translator.

Controller entry system issues a command to solenoid to move heads to the right track. When the heads are over the desired tracks, chosen head of interest to us and is waiting for the moment when the front of the head should fly us to the desired sector. Then, the reading of the sector. The controller reads the sector in its own buffer, then he gives this information to the computer using the interface. Service center for repair of computer equipment performs repairs monitors all manufacturers.