The Universe

To achieve a real peace and inner balance necessary for you to see the creation as an extension of you same, this is not a theory but is a reality, to understand many of the principles that govern his life and the universe will then be on the possibility of opening to true love and will now forward not judge anything or anyone. You must understand that everything we see is our creation and something very important we focus and act on the basis of what we desire, for example if we want to be millionaires we must act as such, observing the habits of wealth and begin to feel truly prosperous although it sounds like a theatre, crazy or something crazy, using appropriate techniques, you will see how to achieve a transformation of life. But the truth of the subconscious mind works through emotions and once there is a genuine conviction, i.e. absolute faith the materialization occurs and circumstances will be presented to undertake something that helps us achieve the wealth or what we want. It is important to clarify that everything is an Exchange and we must offer something of our own knowledge or desire to make the money you want or any other goal, usually money comes from different kinds of commercial transactions even though it is not a prerequisite for example random is a sample to achieve something of the overnight, it can occur, but if you actually think, this sounds very disturbing to some people, but I can assure you that if it works and there are methods to achieve itin the book I am happy, I am Rico will find the foundations underpinning the abundance in the world and you can get to know them, understand them and apply them. Is from the subconscious and unconscious mind created the reality, this is a process, every word, every image, every act in our lives they generate a schedule, much of that programming has taken years and it is there where a path is formed or mental path, which will seek to maintain, i.e. a path of events that occur to usthey can be positive or negative, to achieve any purpose in his life it is necessary to understand the whole context of the functioning of the universe. For example a person who has maintained habits suddenly and tardiness want to change that information and become a punctual person, you will notice as the forces of the universe will seek to keep the condition of the tardiness, you can that day having an appointment, there is a strike, a crash, an unexpected visit, a material loss, there is no energy. etc., anything can happen to keep the initial information of tardiness, the mind does not understand that it is good or bad, just acting with real power on the basis of what we have scheduled. So knowing this, realize that change certain instructions which lie ingrained in our minds can take some time and requires enough discipline and perseverance, with much repetition and habits that are pointing to the lifestyle that we wish no doubt that we will succeed, is patience, to follow the path which will give us true happiness. If you want to know much about the powers of the mind and of the functioning of the universe, please visit the following site: original author and source of the article.


All what you want is available for you. To have it, to experience it in your life, you only must learn to see him. In a same room always each person in it, sees something different. The same word means something different for two people. What’s more, the same word means something if it comes from a certain person and up the opposite if it comes from someone else.

Everything you want, everything is ready for you. But before you have it you must learn to see him and to possess it. In the book the secret of the power of the goals, Andrew Corentt, said that a person who recovers his sight even in adulthood, even taking their bodies in perfect condition is incapable of seeing the world that surrounds it (figures presented in this book show this). This, explains, occurs because to see something, before, a person must learn to see him. Everything that you see now, tells us the science & Corentt, is because you learned to see it. Abundance, beauty, good relationships, and everything else that people have in their life, what they enjoy because they learned to see it. Maybe someone taught from small or they learned if same with running of the time. You can learn to see anything they want and then to enjoy it in your life.

See the wealth requires the same effort which see poverty. Two people working forty hours per week, in the same job in the same company, in the same city, will have very different lives depending on what each of them learn to see. Doing the same thing, for the same number of hours, one will be enriched and the other will remain in its same State. Obtain wealth does not require more work, it requires a new vision of the world. To get rich you must learn to see the world in a better way. If you want to learn a powerful vision of the world I recommend the books of Andrew Corentt. His books, I’m happy, I’m rich and the secret of the power of the goals, are masterpieces that will transform their vision of the world. You will not only discover a new vision of the world, a vision more rich and pleasant, also You will learn powerful techniques that make everything that you want to materialize automatically in your life. A new way of living is possible. A rich, happy, joyful, full shape. This form will only occur when you change your view of the world. Do you want to learn this new vision of the world? See millions in their life? Original author and source of the article.

MLM Internet

With an audience estimated at 1.8 billion people with access to it, the Internet is without doubt the fastest means of communication that mankind has seen in its history therefore, we can ask ourselves is the MLM Internet the future of the industry? If so how is that you one I prospecting and recruiting through it? Very interesting questions with even more interesting answers. My name is Cesar Fasano and I have something very important to share with you. But before I tell you, let me tell you that the MLM industry is really huge it is estimated that there are about 65 million Networkers in the world currently and that this number is an exponential growth due to the incredible amount of people interested in starting their own business. Now, if there is something that you deserve to know about the MLM Internet is that things are a little different in this environment. (For good rather than evil) Firstly, if it is true that the Internet offers the opportunity to achieve a market target very extensive, which You can achieve SUPER fast but in the same way it is very valid to add that that trust between leader and prospectus reaches developing and building a relationship with that desperate person to learn from you. How? Good technology gives us many options to do so for example, in the Internet you can create and upload Videos and include them in its follow-up to establish confidence and demonstrate to your prospect that you are a real person. Now, in my opinion based on experience in this field, there are three elements that will determine the health of your business from MLM Internet 1. Your marketing: Is this first step where starts to build the presence of your business (and you) at the same time through different corners of the Web, where people are looking for desperately for that leader that will take them to victory in this business.

Network Marketing Business

A greeting. Alex Hurtado Los systems MLM, MLM or also known as the industriadel Network Marketing has been more than 50 years in operation and is United States originiaria. Companies see this business model a way of getting asus customers product in a less costly manner and with a loyalty index much more superior since the company distributes part of its profits among its network of distributors. So its boom estimated that in the next few years close to 70% of the total number of products will be distributed using this business model. In this way the company saves millions as regards advertising, payment of social safety, wages etc, so the profit margin increases. Giving the opportunity to the affiliate get commissions each time that this brings a new Member to your network becomes distributor.In this way each member company receives commissions by members of your network and having the opportunity to create their own business. Despite many people entering this industry every year many have been the similarities regarding the pyramid sistems (prohibited fortunately in all countries) for this reason the prestige of this industry to been diminished substantially and rechazadopor the vast majority of consumers. As already supposed the central theme of my blog will be all habras lorelacionado with Network Marketing where also you will learn sorts of strategies for atrear your business to true prospectoscualificados.

This blog is intended to reach all those people who are thinking to introduce to Network Marketing, but they do not know where begin or people who wish to increase their knowledge mientrastiele the possibility of giving his opinion. Essential tools to develop your business in a professional and successful it facilitates my readers from my blog. I invite you to that you suscribais to my blog and also comenteis in the always you want. This way everyone will grow in knowledge siendomejors networkers.

Network Marketing

Know you yourself, get a introspection, look in your inner self and discover who you are?, what do you? verifies your motivations, you have to be aware that the world inside it at least equal big than the outside world, is the world that thou the barnacles when you open your eyes. This is the topic of the article Marketing in network the method infallible part II, published the 22.03.11, on the web page, which is, practically, my main blog. So I’m going to give a method to verify 100% if you like or don’t like your MLM or Network Marketing business, but it seems to me that you can use it in any situation in your life, when you want a clear answer regarding a subject you’re interested in particular. Here you have it: go in your bathroom, preferably when you’re only, and ask yourself looking in the mirror if you like or don’t like your network Marketing or MLM business. Let’s see if looking you in the eyes in the mirror, you will not give a clear, true and sincere response. As you’ve said, you don’t you lie, and even more watching you in the mirror directly to your eyes.

I have to admit that I was shocked this idea at first, but little by little I’ve used with it, and I want to tell you that all my distributors were very enthusiastic to learn it, and told me that they felt like taking a cold shower to apply it. The true power of this technique is the sincerity, you need to be honest with others and with yourself. When you lie, or when you tell half truths, you don’t feel well, you feel like a multicover123 in your stomach and you flooded a feeling of insecurity. This feeling of insecurity makes you much damage, you’re aware or not, so you say always the truth, although it hurts, that you will select your friends, you will attract to you only the good people that support hear the truth. Practical exercise: 1. nothing else to listen to a presentation of the MLM business you want to make, if you are at the beginning of path and want to make a business of Network Marketing or multilevel, enters your room of bath, make sure that you’re only, and ask yourself if you want or don’t want to do this business which presentation you just see.

2. If you are a dealer and carry a time in this business of Network Marketing or MLM, you can also apply this technique, not passes nothing if you have not applied this technique at the beginning of your career in MLM, any time worth to know the truth. 3 You can apply the same technique, wondering what your real motivation in this business, you want to get doing this business, etc., use your creativity. At the end let me a comment on this article, I am sincerely interested in knowing your opinion. Thanks a lot. Toader Matei video Gratuit * or: how to reprogram your mind to be the leader of your MLM business get click and download it now!