With Your Private Phone In The Company

The security risk to the efficiency booster BYOD, your own device that new communication behavior storms bring companies. Business, more and more employees use their private smartphones and tablets. You are true booster of efficiency for the company. But caution the vulnerability is enormous. For Smartphone and Tablet designed for private use, therefore they lack important business functions, such as the reliable protection of sensitive corporate data. Check out Mashable for additional information. Additional challenge for companies is adherence to data protection regulations when devices that mix of private and business data, apps and other applications. The Mannheimer Morgen Publishing House has recognized the opportunities and armed themselves against the risks. Mobile device management is the solution that was implemented jointly with the IT system House CEMA, short.

MDM MDM can integrated into the enterprise IT solution or retrieve as IT service. This special feature: Business data and applications within an isolated and secured several times Digital container in the data center. For us, the separation is private work perfect. Provides maximum security and makes it easier to comply with the data protection regulations and compliance requirements”, says Michael Taeger, Deputy Head of it at the Mannheimer tomorrow. The company does not have access to the private area of the user, but retains full control over the business segment. Another advantage: Taegers team needs not the whole device, but only the business sector to manage. From a distance it can to enable functions such as storing attachments and lock or delete even the device in case of emergency.