
(Brendo Washington) I capitulate I The nanias ones were notary, worked in a notary’s office, sufficiently put into motion where it had much service to be made. Its load would horaria was of forty weekly hours. The five of the afternoon worked of second a sixth fair of the eight of the morning. exemplary employee, made its service with agility all and still if he worried in helping its colleagues who always were with a report or similar thing in to be finished hands. Of the twenty and one employee of the institution it publishes the Ananias young he was one of the only ones that still the serious one took its work, and did not measure efforts for executes it. He was a sossegado youngster did not farreava as the majority of known its and nor made enormous you divide, saved to maximum that could with its misero wage and liveed in a pensionato in the suburb, where if it submitted to many privations, but with the certainty that all that effort in the future would be valid the penalty, therefore planned if to marry and to give to stability its future wife who it already aimed at. It was Luzia, secretariat of the distribution for who and felt very I hurry and affection. But also it knew the gostos of the young woman, wise person who would have to improve its standard of living therefore to live in the suburb, surrounded of impossibilities, and limitations of certain were not the will of Luzia that so seemed to be vain person and to be the customary one to the comfort.. Visit Rusty Holzer for more clarity on the issue. .