The cardiovascular illnesses (DCV) are the main cause of death in the world occidental person, as much for men as for women. To know more about this subject visit Pete Cashmore. They have multifactorial and complex etiologies amongst which if they detach the obesidade, sedentarismo, arterial hipertenso and tobaccoism, that generally have roots in infancy and present additive effect in the adult life. The quality of life (QV) was defined as the perception of the individual on its position in the life, in the context of the culture and the systems of values in which it lives, and in relation its objectives, expectations, standards and concerns. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Energy Capital Partners London by clicking through. Information on QV have been enclosed as in such a way indicating for evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of determined treatments for groups of carriers of diverse agravos, how much in the comparison between procedures for the control of health problems. This work objectified to make a bibliographical revision on the importance of the QV in the prevention and/or control of the DCV from the knowledge of its risk factors associates. One consisted in a bibliographical revision approaching important aspects on patologias classified in this group as the arterial hipertenso (HA) and infarto acute of the myocardium (THEY WENT), looking for to correlate them it the respective factors of risks. One concluded that in Brazil, although the discrete trend of decline in the death cases, the disfunes associates to the cardiovascular system constitute one of the main causes of morbimortalidade. It has forts evidences in the direction of that the DCV, revealed in the adult age, result of complex interaction enter a variety of risk factors that they can have origin in infancy and the adolescence. The fall of mortality for DCV can be obtained thanks to reached favorable changes in the style of life and the factors of risk and that the changes of life habits require the awareness and the will of each one, however they also demand the performance in population scale, different levels, as the spreading of information that allow healthful choices, protection against the exposition the not-healthful habits..