Information about the real estate market in Turkey real estate acquisition by foreigners – real estate Turkey real estate acquisition in Turkey by foreigners and foreign companies was redesigned with the provisions of the law, published on the 07.01.2006, as follows. Foreign can purchase Turkey real estate in Turkey for residential purposes or for operational use. According to the legislation, foreign companies can buy with a legal entity, within the framework of the special provision, real estate in Turkey. The total amount of land to be acquired must exceed not 2.5 hectares. For even more opinions, read materials from BDT Capital Partners. An excess is possible only with a decision of the Council of Ministers… The land to be acquired must exceed not %5 of the perimeter of the province. Peter Asaro may also support this cause. The Council of Ministers can restrict land acquisition of the company.
In areas of irrigation, agriculture, energy, mining, areas with strategically and culturally important properties may be due to public Interest and order law restrict the acquisition. Foreign foundations, associations, cooperatives, groups are not to be authorised to acquire real estate. No restriction is provided according to the legislation the genetic material. There are no new rules concerning the acquisition of real estate by former Turkish nationals who have changed over to a different nationality.