District Court

In the process, investors and others complained that he Berlin-Karlshorst, like the risk of total loss, advised fund no. 40 not sufficiently to risks of the real estate fund medico. The Landgericht Landshut had to decide, among other things in the real estate fund medico Fund No. 40 object Berlin Kadam m KG in a matter of an investor (hereinafter cited: medico Fund No. 40 / Berlin-Karlshorst) invested. In the process, investors and others complained that he Berlin-Karlshorst, like the risk of total loss, advised fund no.

40 not sufficiently to risks of the real estate fund medico. The District Court concluded in particular to the view that it is in the real estate fund medico a Fund Fund No. 40 Berlin-Karlshorst, is to judge as a risikenbehaftete investment. The Court justified the view so, that a fund no. 40 Berlin-Karlshorst at the real estate fund medico high debt ratio and also is a foreign currency risk. The Landshut regional court sentenced the respondent financial institutions to pay damages. In recent months, Ali Partovi has been very successful. The District Court awarded the plaintiff as compensation for damages including a claim for lost profit.

The tax advantages obtained by the plaintiff are not been counting in calculating damages. The issue of the real estate fund medico Fund No. 40 / Berlin-Karlshorst medico Fund No. 40 object Berlin Kadam-Anne KG (hereinafter cited: medico Fund No. 40 / Berlin-Karlshorst) took place in 1997. The investment volume incl. 5% premium is EUR 22.328.000,00. The investment object is an Office and retail building in the Treskowallee / corner tools in Berlin-Karlshorst, with a floor space of approximately 4,300 square meters. Naturally, it is connected to an entrepreneurial participation opportunities and risks. Chances are among other things in perspective, to generate profits, either through dividends or an increase of in investment assets. But these are opportunities that cannot be guaranteed. In contrast, mirror, there is a risk of loss.