The necessary object of knowledge, some form, to be entailed to ' ' necessidade' ' of the group/pertaining to school community to explain, to understand, to intervine, to move, to foresee, something that defies. Ahead of all these consideraes, we present in this work the accomplishment of a research on Chemical Composites present in the rinds of shrimps and crab, animals of abundance in our city, where its carcasses are plays to the garbage without exploitation. Observing so well its molecular formulas, thus being able to identify to the chemical elements gifts in such structures, understanding as to differentiate the chemical functions gifts. The Quitosana is one two organic composites that we can find in the rinds of these animals and that it comes being studied for the UFC (Federal University of the Cear) in the known sector as PADETEC (Park of Technological Development of the Cear), being this a used chemical substance for scientific, medicinal and commercial ends, where research discloses to its effectiveness in the absolution of ingested fats and reduction of the cholesterol. Of this form we choose pointers adopted for Amaral (2006) referring to this conception as base for our analysis.
According to author, exists the necessity of if working ' ' science as activity humana' '. Of this form, the same one must be presented historically contextualizada, not prioritizing the scene of the scientists, and yes the social-economic-cultural scene, in which its discoveries are carried through, the groups and institutions the one that belong or that they provide ways for its accomplishments. PART METODOLGICA: In view of the objective tracings for this work, we use as methodology the field research. In accordance with Little stream (2002), the inquiry accomplished under the theoretical perspective of the content analysis dimensiona the actions and guides the look of the researcher, allowing bigger understanding of as if of the o process of elaboration of articles of scientific spreading.