The set of documents still presents, two rules in cases of racism clearly, the market of work of So Paulo, involving two descending young afro: Mnica (refused in a job, exactly with all the demanded qualifications, only for being black) and Kelly (it worked as dribble for 3 months, but it did not receive wage, it was quit and still she was victim of racial crime on the part of its former-master). In both histories, the processes had been filed and the crime discriminatory was not proven, in contrast of the great exception, that was the victorious case Mr. Vicente of the Espirito Santo. The history of Brazil was constructed side by side with the one of the black, some abolitionists defended that the country had been constructed per item of the afro-descendants who had been here, the writer and black leader, Abdias of the Birth shares of this idea, for it, Our ancestral ones in them had bequeathed another inheritance: the construction of a called country Brazil, raised for Africans and only for Africans. A country with an enormous territory, the half of the South America; a bigger country that the territory of the United States. The task to construct the economic and material structure of this country meant holocausto of millions of African lives (BIRTH, 1982, P. 25). Since the abolition, the black, considered exempts, in the truth, did not obtain its release in the direction properly said of the word, continued to the social edge and saw in the posterior, searching years to develop more diverse theories of matrix racist, that in the deep one is justifications for the color preconception that each descendant of slave suffered and still she lives in its proper country, on this Sings to sleep Rodrigues affirms, the black, mainly, is inferior to the white, to start of the enceflica mass, that weighs little, and of the mastigatrio device that possesss animalescos characters, until the abstraction facultieses, that in it are so poor and weak.