The ones that to prefer a boarding cultural of the society or to search subjects for its proper productions will find many possibilities. The choice of the personage between innumerable possibilities had as main reason the fact to have been an uncle of the author of this work being thus facilitated the attainment of the impressions inside and outside of the clan for having lived in the city. The difficulty of if studying the proper family were compensated with the volume of information gotten and the fact of being the continuation of a research initiated in the adolescence searching to understand its proper identity. The personage was in a curious social status, was a small trader son of an ox-driver and descended, according to stories of diverse sources, of the farmers who had colonized the region. Of this form, he was socially on to the local elite, but of the economic point of view, as the majority of ' ' whites pobres' ' it was in a classroom intermediate between the family To sound and the black mass of the city. Of the point of view politician she was total delinquent, survived thanks to the bows established with other local traders in ' ' Beneficient association of Salgueiro' ' , call ' ' House of Farinha' ' for sheltering ' ' ral' ' of the city, established for its relative and friend, the doctor Dr. Severino Alves de S.
But a rigorously historical book was published on the history of the city, ' ' The coronelismo in Willow: an analysis of the trajectory politics of colonel Veremundo Soares (1920-1945) ' ' , of Waldemar professor. the S. Jnior, contains valuable information on the povoamento and development politician and socioeconmico of the city (2008). Before it, some memorialistas authors exaltaram curious facts on the city, without historiogrfico value. Research on quilombo of Conceio of the Creoles, made for the person who orientates of this work, not yet published in book form, is inaccessible to this analysis.