Power supply of the PCE Germany GmbH are for use in the field of industry, laboratory and universities developed. Power supply of the PCE Germany GmbH are for use in the field of industry, laboratory and universities developed. The regulator of the power units have a coarse and a fine adjustment. Because of this dual role, very accurate adjustment is facilitated by current and voltage with the network devices. The energy suppliers to provide voltage of 230 V the population. This provided voltage can be adjusted by the user through the key network devices on a selectable level down. Mainly a power supply unit provides the common voltage of 12 V, since experiments with power supply units little or no personal injury may occur.
Of course the voltage or current range can be adjusted with a power supply unit also. There are two types of network devices. A distinction between conventional power supply units and between the switching power supply. The conventional power supplies, also Trafonetzgerate called, used usually only for special applications, because its structure is very complex. Laboratories often use power units that have a memory function, since it offers the possibility of the laboratories, often used voltages and currents with a simple touch of a button to get on the network devices.
These power supply units with special memory function are designed mostly as switch mode power supplies and find on every bench seat, because they are very compact, lightweight and small. Test circuits are connected to the mains via the safety Sockets. These useful devices offer on top a long life, which are cooled by a very quiet fan, in the active state. In addition to the power supplies for laboratory and workshop area, there are also power supply for mounting on DIN-rail. Its area of application is the control technology. High-performance power supplies, for the small price of the PCE Germany GmbH are for professional use in industry, Universities, laboratories and workshops are best suited.