Web 2.0 that is web 2.0 the Web 2.0 term (2004-present) is commonly associated with a social phenomenon, based on the interaction that is achieved from different applications on the web, that facilitate the sharing of information, interoperability, design focused on the user or D.C.U. and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 are web communities, web services, Web applications, social network services, the hosting of videos, wikis, blogs, mashups and folcsonomias services. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users or change the web site content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information provided. Web 2.0 this closely associated with Tim O’Reilly, because the Conference on Web 2.0 of O Reilly Media in 2004.
Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to the technical specifications of the web, but rather to cumulative changes in the way in which software developers and end-users use the Web. The fact that Web 2.0 is qualitatively different from previous web technologies has been questioned by the creator of the World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee, who described the term as just a jargon – precisely because it had the intention that the Web include these values in the first place. (WIKIPEDIA) The 2.0 Web. features: web 2.0 standardizes languages for a better code re-use. Sindicacon content: RSS/Atom. Dynamic pages: Ruby on Rails, ASP, AJAX, Soap. S API and XML so that applications can be exploited by others.
Mashups (hybrids of resources). The software is a service, not a product culture customizable and personalizable. Leverages collective intelligence for the benefit of Internet. In the web 2.0 we moved from monologue to dialogue. Web 2.0. consequences: democratizes media/content: anyone has the same possibilities to publish content that a traditional newspaper. Engine of change and transformation in the way in which we work, we collaborate and communicate. Continue to learn more with: Andy Florance. Web 2.0 everything becomes easier. Reducing costs of dissemination: we can have our online radio for free, our online journal on web 2.0 increases the segmentation: users can access contents that were not traditionally published in traditional media. Migration of traditional media to the Internet user. As consequence increases the investment in online advertising. Web 2.0 has improved the viral effect of the message. Online marketing blog, which is web 2.0, web 2.0