North Americans

The reason alleged for the United States to veto the participation of China in the program of construction of the ISS was the military character of the Chinese space program (SCIENTIFICAMERICAN, 2010). In 2003, when the first Chinese went up to the space, it was possible to notice despite the space suit used by China was a copy of the called suit Sokol, used for the Russian cosmonauts. For more information see this site: Kai-Fu Lee. In 2008, for occasion of the first one walked space Chinese, it was also evident that even though the suit of exit to the used space for China was fellow creature to the used one for Russia. In this occasion taikonauta Zhigang Zhai used a space suit of Chinese fabriacao, suit this call of Feitian. But the clothes nothing more age that a copy of the suit of space stroll Russian Orlan. One of the colleagues of Zhai, the operator Buoming Liu, folloied it in the decompression chamber, delivering to it Chinese flag during space walked its, and this really it used a typical Russian space suit of the Orlan type (SPACEFACTS, 2010a). A noteworthy difference between the Chinese space program and the Russian space program was the fact of Zhigang Zhai, the first space caminhante of China, to be the commander of the mission, while the Russians? as well as the North Americans? they had always given priority so that the pilot of the mission carried through walked space. In the Russian space program the commander only leaves to the space if she will not have one another member of the crew to follow the walked pilot in one space one. Another difference of order technique between the two space programs is the fact of China to mount its rocket in position vertical and thus conduziz it the platform, as the North Americans, in contrast of the Russians, who mount its rocket in horizontal position and they only place it in vertical position already in the launch emplacement.