Whichever times you have been united to a business opportunity and when you begin to construct your network, you manage to catch a great amount of people, but arrived the moment from the truth, they are very few the ones that really work. This is something very usual and that I believe that to everybody it happens to him. And the truth is that everybody this preparation not to work in the Network Marketing, and I go to darte 7 reasons here that I consider are of the main ones. 1. – The majority of the people does not have the sufficient persistence.
We like or no, to have a business online is to have a business " real". By all means no that there is to render accounts to him to no head, because your you are your own head. I have seen much people who have resigned to the project in which she worked because I do not make money in the first 30 days. Persistence is required. It is a real business, but with a smaller investment. It is necessary to maintain the persistence and the approach and to follow ahead. Many people cannot do it. 2.
– The majority of the people cannot handle to the rejection and the criticism. Sincerely the majority of the people enters this industry thinking that them sera very easy to make money. This is not truth. Time is needed to acquire the knowledge necessary to carry out a work that renders its fruits. Who does not know like prospecting, " is really going to receive many; no" when it presents/displays its opportunity of business, that finishes frustrating them. Much people cannot handle to be rejections and finish leaving her business, instead of to worry to acquire knowledge help that them to be effective. 3. – The majority of the people refuses to think about great.