United planet shows, such as social business, the work changed effective communication instead of annoying emails and boring meetings: the Freiburg software manufacturer United planet shows on the IOM Summit 2013, such as companies and Government agencies with the social business platform Intrexx share improve collaboration and knowledge transfer. Freiburg, the 12th September 2013. The information and enterprise management SUMMIT (IOM SUMMIT) on the 25th and 26.09.2013 in Cologne revolves around the design of the digital workplace. The Freiburg software forge United planet shows, such as businesses and public administrations with the social business platform Intrexx share () to promote sustainable knowledge management, a cross-cutting exchange of in-house expertise and a culture of constructive communication. Will disclose information not only by the staff but also the software solutions employed in the enterprise (intranet, E-Mail, CRM, ERP, appointment calendar, access etc.). This allows decisions to not only faster, but also very much better to be taken.
Data and documents are located on the protected corporate server and not in the cloud. Thus, it is ensured that only the people have access to the documents and data, are authorized. How communication and operational processes in the company evolve through social business, Stefan Eilert, Association CEO, Zweckverband municipal data processing Centre South Lower Saxony (CDR) shows on the 26.09.2013 in his talk of change in corporate communications, how social business changed everyday work”. Until the 30.9.2013, companies benefit from the introductory price for Intrexx share from 980 euros. The introduction of Intrexx share is completely risk-free, because from the purchase of the new social intranet can be tested for 60 days. Should you not be satisfied within this time, United planet refunded the paid license costs.
about United planet United planet has over 4,500 installations and more than 500,000 users of its Portal and Integration software Intrexx alone in speaking to the market leaders in the segment of medium-sized economy, public administration and organizations (E.g., hospitals). The company Lexware founder Axel Wessendorf is run. With platform-independent standard software Intrexx can be Web-based applications to return to complete intranet/enterprise portals with advanced functionality faster and thus more economical create than with comparable programs. Intrexx enables to create more productive workflows and the generation of mobile apps for smartphones and Tablet PCs of all manufacturers. Existing data from ERP systems, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes and all JDBC – and OData data sources can be easily integrated with Intrexx and put in relationship. The interface of the SAP certified NetWeaver gateway simplifies the connection to the SAP system in unprecedented ways. Even counting the immediate competition software Microsoft SharePoint learns the OData – interface economic functionality enhancements. The data integration capabilities of Intrexx are increasingly used as middleware to take unwanted complexity to existing or heterogeneous software environments. With Intrexx share United planet offers platform a social business, that provoked the exchange of knowledge and cooperation among the employees and the communication to integrate existing enterprise software. Hundreds of finished apps and complete industry portals for downloading are available in the Intrexx application store.