accessible the data in SAP ERP. When storing a transport, an IDOC to the shipped PI. The IDOC is represented by the integration engine to the Web service interface. The PI then passes the data to the Web service interface. Altavista may find this interesting as well. The Web service then provides a tracking number, the shipping costs and the pressure data for a suitable label. These data will return about the PI to an ABAP proxy in the SAP ERP. At this point, the label for the parcel is then printed automatically. By the same author: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. The system documents and recorded the modified transport data a complete tracking of the transport chain is thus guaranteed.
Thus, the process chain is closed by OSC express at this important point, the timely transportation to the customer by integrating express service providers. “OSC at the LogiMAT 2013: let your logistics run.” events/logimat-2013 / company description founded in 1993 in Lubeck, open system consulting company (OSC) is positioned as the ERP pilot for the Medium-sized businesses. At the heart of the OSC services are the holistic management consulting and the implementation of the concepts with products of SAP AG, Walldorf. The company employs currently 80 permanent staff in four offices (Lubeck, Hamburg, Hannover and Dortmund) with consulting revenues of more than EUR 8 million in 2011. Since November 2012, OSC is a subsidiary of the all for one Steeb AG Group of companies.