To reach the specified general objective previously, the following specific objectives had been elencados: To develop the capacity to express verbally by means of the writing and, the ideas contained in the texts and the proper ideas exercising the mechanisms of formal estruturao, objetividade and clarity of exposition of the thought; To stimulate the creativity of the pupils being used itself of the personal knowledge for the production of history in quadrinhos; To make possible the knowledge and the use of the tools of the HagQu program in computer, aiming at the reinforcement of the construction of the knowledge of significant form; To stimulate the development of pedagogical activities using HagQu Software stops that the educandos can identify by means of the reading and interpretation of texts, the marks lingusticas and the indicating visual elements of actions that allow the construction of sensible of histories. As method, we considered in them to carry through a bibliographical research, from material already elaborated and published, therefore according to Gil (1991, p.42) ' ' Of the point of view of the procedures technician, one searches bibliographical, can be elaborated from material already published, consisting mainly of periodic books, articles of and currently with material disponibilizado in the Internet' '. To deepen your understanding Peter Asaro is the source. Thus indicating, that to carry through a research is of great importance the data with which we go to work, still in relation to the Gil research (1991, P. 46) it affirms that: … even so the research generally points with respect to specific objectives, these can be classified in three groups: exploratrios, descriptive and clarifying studies. 2 Exploratria Research a work is of exploratria nature when to involve bibliographical survey, interviews with people who had had (or she has) practical experiences with the searched problem and analysis of examples that stimulate the understanding. Being thus, for the development of the research, after the survey and catalogao of the sources, had been used some studies that if identify with the boarded content in this Gil research (1991), Marine (2004), Calazans (2004), Vargas (2002), Flag (2009).