Ceremonial Computer

Program AABB? Community is a social program of the Foundation Bank of Brazil in partnership with the Municipal City hall, functions in the headquarters of the AABB and takes care of 120 children of 7 the 17 years, with 1? Pedagogical coordinator; 1? Administrative coordinator; 1 – Merendeira and caretaker; 4? Monitors. Center of Qualification and Social Inclusion? space where if it carries through courses for formation and professional qualification, activities of culture and leisure with children, young and elderly, with 1? Coordinator of center and 1? Coordinator of activities. Communitarian Telecentro? will be inaugurated in the day 1 of July with lessons of basic, advanced computer science and access the gratuitous Internet for devoid community of the periphery of the city, where are located, with 1? Instructor and 1? Recepcionista/Secretary. This Secretariat of the Social Action comes carrying through the following actions: magnifying of the PETI? (eight nuclei in the agricultural area and a nucleus in the urban area); recadastramento of the Program Stock market Family; accompaniment of the families registered in cadastre in the CadUnico, through visits of the social assistant and psychologist; diagnosis to correct irregularities in the cadastros; correction of 99% of the people registered in cadastre with pendencies for multiplicities. Also the implantation of Adolescent the Projovem Program for 150 young in the CRAS; accomplishment of the leather course in partnership with the Foundation Priest Cncio Joo; accomplishment of the courses of Basic and Advanced, Ceremonial Computer science and Events in partnership with the Foundation More; CPC? I register in cadastre of Devoid Person for eventual donations of basic baskets, medicines and examinations. In the prominence order, for its importance and accomplishment of projects, this Secretariat comes immediately afterwards to the Secretariat of Education, in relation to the number of action and public execution of programs and politics for the efetivao of the citizenship of the inhabitants of Parnamirim, considering that the government projects less involve action of social inclusion and assistance to the favored inhabitants, which during years waits some form of directed attendance to reduce inaqualities and injustices.