Before an entrepreneur who is going to open your own trading company, at a certain stage of its creation raises the question of choosing and buying a cash register. The use of cash registers (CCP) at operations with the cash required and regulated by Russian law. In exceptional cases we can work without the CCP (Article 2 lists the exceptions to the Law 54-FZ). First of all, the choice of cash registers (ECR), to draw attention to its scope. There MCF for the sale of goods, services, trading gas and petroleum products for use in restaurants and hotels. Learn that the selected device allowed for a particular type of activity is possible from the cash register of the Classifier, which was approved by the Protocol GMEK (National Interagency Expert Committee). According to the same classifier PFC can be divided into 4 groups.
Stand-alone PFC operate independently from the computer. Passive PFC system can operate as part of a computer system, but does not affect her work, as opposed to active systems of machines. Fiscal recorders – printers fiscal memory, which is useless outside of computer systems. Acquired cash register should also be included in the State Register of CCP and is equipped with a so-called block EKLZ (defined by the presence of the letter "K" in the title of the unit). Pay attention to the functional characteristics of CMC print speed check, cashiers and the number of possible partitions, the number of programmable prices and bar codes, the availability of ports for connecting additional devices (bar-code scanner, scales).
For example, the fastest print check registers are fiscal, and hence their advantageous to use the cash to the nodes with high load (in super-and hypermarkets). Also will be important also for many design, size and ergonomics of the model. And last but not least. Buy a cash register is just a service center or at cash registers specialty stores, experienced professionals who can help you finally make the right choice.