According to Bastos (2007), the process of software test is divides in eleven phases. In first the five phases the technique of half main verification is applied as to evaluate the project of software development. The validation technique is applied from the phase of elaboration of the project of software development. To follow each one of the phases will be explained. In the phase one the responsible one for the creation of the Plan of Test must carry through the study of the Plan of Development of the Product that serves as base for the elaboration of the Plan of Test.
From this study it will be possible esteem the amount of the resources necessary to test the product. In phase two the development of the Plan of Test is carried through. This must the same follow standard of the Plan of Development of the Product with variations of content in function of the degree of risk associated with the developed product. In phase three the evaluation of the requirements of the product is carried through, to carry through this evaluation the verification technique must be applied. This verification serves to guarantee that the development of incomplete requirements will not be initiated, inconsistentes or inexact.
In phase four the verification is carried through calls of it drawing of the product. The main interest of this activity and to guarantee that the drawing of the product takes care of the requirements of the development project. In phase five the extension and the type of the tests must be defined that will be applied in the product. This definition is carried through on the basis of the method that was used in the development of the product, the more automatized was the lesser development tends to be the amount of tests will be applied. In phase six the execution of the tests is carried through.