Publishing Boitempo

' ' Knowing itself exactly is established previously in already-be-together-ao-world, in which the being of the presence if constitutes in way essencial' ' (HIEDEGGER. 2004, p.100). It affirms that if it is not belonged or it does not have more control on itself is to be friction all the human beings of dementeds person or insane people. Or that the being if sees private to become they outrem is not to value the being as being and that to be it it needs to perceive themselves, this perception if to give in the world in relation to the one with what he is the being. Ademais to consider the being as an foreigner of itself exactly is to agree that it does not have to be I legalize in hypothesis none and this roll of absorbed beings of itself exactly, that nothing they enxergam, nothing think and nothing they are. But, it has despite to mention the merchandise condition, if thus he will be I propagate it of the alienation then all we are merchandises for being all the result of a culture that survives for the production and reproduction of what it is necessary for the felt survival in its amplest one and in the myopic direction to eat and not only to procreate. If we can speak of alienation in the current days is only as rotulao of a being in relation to the other, it says where It that B does not understand the world of and that B is mentally ill, or in thought chains that if treat as you would more still free of the slavery of the being that if leaves to enslave for ways it isolation of itself in relation something or of it lacks of understanding of something, thus the mentally ill one would be only one opinion and not a real condition. The reality that each one perceives as real is not another thing seno the condition of being in the world and being for itself.

Bibliographical references FEUERBACH, Ludwing. The essence of the Christianity. Voices. Petrpolis.2007 FREUD, Sigmund. The future of an illusion. LePM editores.2010 ____________.

The malaise in the culture. LePM editores.2010 HEIDEGGER, Martin. To be and time. Part I. Petrpolis. Voices. The 2004 MARX, Karl. Economic-philosophical manuscripts. Publishing Boitempo. They are Paulo.2004

Follow Accidents Vials With Dead And Wounded

Shouting to the vacuum, even applying ineffective controls still road accidents with dead and wounded! By: Dr. Jose Agustin Reveron Orta good which does not hear, will be because he is deaf or does not want to hear. I have been systematically drawing attention to the authorities of transit in the sense that, devices and speed controls or vials, implemented security systems until now, are ineffective, unwelcome and unhappy. I have made a number of proposals which are linked no doubt with the demands of the UN States members of this and not hear me talking, it seems that it did not matter them for anything this problem that every day increases, although they say the opposite. This morning I was at Venevision PSUV Vice President and I wanted to warn him, but I was nugatorio the effort to communicate with this distinguished comrade. We all have to know that prevent accidents through education, without previously implanted devices drivers of speed thats a true and resounding failure.

That has been done since former and increases in accidents are greater. The Republic cries out for the implementation of real speed controls to finish one bleeding once and for all this evil that is evidently bleeding to the population that need to travel on these roads. I am sorry you by these adjectives but I pointed out that it is better saying things crudely to silence them, because there we see the results. Recently I wrote for this medium, an article referring to the inadequacy of measures to be applied in this Holy week and it assured them that these applied prevention systems accidents, not reduce and so it was, that in one State rather than another would surely fall accidents, by some different control factor, but the truth is that even lowering occurred unfortunate accidents. You observe that the only Governor who tried to implement a system, even obsolete, but control system to the end, it was Lara, with a vehicle traveled at the speed of 80 kilometers per hour, for the purpose of detecting the offender to happen with greater speed. This is plausible but ineffective, I insist that the devices must be of those who can control the speed in form satellite, so you will have a policeman within each unit and thus effectively control the speed. I recommend to the Governor of Lara call me to give them details of this system, safe, for your concern, will call me, since you want to lower this high rate of accidents on its roads. I must congratulate you anyway.

On the other hand I wonder how they will control the speed, with what that population must be prevention, education and not be than anything else, when it is not taught in the classroom, this indispensable matter. As I wonder we are going to reduce accidents with applied current systems, which lifetime have been ineffective. Every year there are parts of agencies in the field that are not but ratification of parts of deaths and injuries from previous years. This again is because they do not implement true road safety systems. I said it and I’ll keep saying it until it is remove the earplugs and bands of eyes and can hear and see that appropriate specific speed control systems exist in Venezuela and other countries have copied and have worked, while in our still increasing accidents by speeding and other influencing factors in the deaths and injuries on roads. He that has ears to hear and eyes to see! original author and source of the article.